
Episode 12: Dangerous Discoveries

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It had been weeks since the showdown with Titan took place, and since then not a single new monster had appeared. Still, Starfleet kept to training and patrolling to watch out for any further attacks. After all, Titan’s minions were still out there, and so were other dangers just waiting to appear.

Lightning and his friends spent most of their free-time training to keep their strengths up. All of Lightning’s friends were also eager to perfect new spells for their magic and weapons, and hoped to develop finishing attacks to use against foes, like senior officers had. So far they had barely managed to conjure up the right power, and were finding it difficult to control, but they didn’t get discouraged and continued to train.

The friends also spent time studying hard and training in preparation for their astronaut tests to earn the authority to travel into space. Lightning was a shoo-in to pass his exam, already having the most experience of traversing from one planet to another.

Lightning even agreed to give them private tutoring lessons, sharing his knowledge of Dimensional Space. “Our universe is known to be a multi-dimensional, magical realm unlike most parallel universes; our space has a breathable atmosphere, and comfortable temperature.”

He also explained about the mystical dimensional-pathways everyone had heard of; magical roads that connected from one place to another allowing travelers to move instantaneously between destinations, almost like traveling down a super-fun-happy slide. One could travel between whole star-systems in a matter of seconds, depending of course how far away the destination would be, and then it would probably take a little longer.

“But why do we use these pathways anyway?” asked Buddy Rose.

“Yeah.” added Artie “After all if we can breathe and survive in space; can’t we just fly to nearby planets by ourselves?”

Starla shook her head “I’ve studied into that, and according to my research. The pathways provide stable points of entry and exit when traveling through space.”

Lightning agreed with her “You see, Dimensional Space exists above normal space. There is air we can breathe, and the temperature may be soothing, but it also consists of highly powerful and unstable teleportation energies. If you try to enter dimensional space with no pathway or if you stray from the path and fall into space, you will be teleported to a random spot anywhere in the entire universe-- There’s no telling where you’d end up”

The others all felt shivers run down their spines at such a thought. Rhymey thought of all the possible places one could end up…

“You could appear above a burning star,
or even in a black hole if you warp too far.
A planet with no air, no food, or sea,
or before a giant beast snarling at you hungrily.”

The Spanish twins nearly leapt out of their seats at such a thought. “Thank goodness our planets are surrounded by special forces that keep them from teleporting.” said Dyno. “Si, can you imagine if our planet just kept on popping in and out?” added Myte, and everyone imagined the planet being tossed around so much by constant teleportation that everyone suffered from vertigo. “…Santo cielo!” groaned Myte.

“Well, at least now that we know all this, we should be able to pass our tests with ease.” Krysta said.

The others agreed and continued their studies, and sure enough when it came time for their tests they passed with flying colors, by traveling to the moon and back again safely, and they were presented their official astronaut wings by The Grand Ruler, but it was going to be a while yet before they approved to actually go on any space missions, but still the friends were totally thrilled especially Starla. She was finally achieving her life’s goal. Lightning was very happy for her, but this was practically the only most exciting thing that had happened to them all month since Titan’s vanquish. Not that they were wishing for the planet to be attacked or anything.

Still, regular life continued. Colts and fillies went to school and played with their friends. Others went to work. Lightning continued to study and work his duties as town helper. He also had more time to help Krysta search for her home world, whatever and wherever it was. “If only we had some sort of clue that could help us.” Lightning said.

“That would make it easier.” added Krysta “Still, I’m not so sure.”

“Not sure about what?”

Krysta hesitated for a moment, and then admitted that as exciting as it would be to learn of her origins and discover who she really was, “What would I say? What would I do? My entire life might change forever.” Krysta clearly had a case of the nerves. It was as if she didn’t know if she really wanted to discover her roots or not. “Well, first we have to find it.” Lightning said “But in the meantime we better stay sharp too. Titans minions are still out there, and who knows when they may strike again?”

Ever since the fight, Titan’s minions had been going crazy trying to figure out ways to get back at Starfleet. They hadn’t even bothered to send any new monsters after them knowing there was no point and they’d beat them, and since the last battle, having already used a ton of their magic monster dust, their pouches were nearing the end of their supplies anyway.

They decided that they needed to find something stronger. Fortunately that day, they had discovered Titan left a note to his minions in case something would happen to him. The note turned out to be a map of something had hidden somewhere on the Dark Planet that would ensure his minions could carry on. They had been wandering around the planet for what seemed like a long time. “Are you sure we’re on course?” groaned Rep-Stallion. “My feet are killing me.”

Dementia felt she needed a hair job badly from sweating so much. “If this turns out to be a rip-off why I’ll--”

“Will you two knock it off?!” snapped Mysterious “According to this, Lord Titan hid his secret somewhere around here.”

They searched around the decayed ruins, shoving the rocks and soils out of the way. “Eww…!” cried Dementia “Now I need more than a makeover after this.” The other just ignored her and kept on searching. Suddenly, Rep-Stallion felt this scythe clang into something. “Hey I found something!” he hollered.

The others rushed over to see him pull out a small box. “What do you think it is?” asked Mysterious. They were about to find out as the box began to glow, and spin round and around, faster and faster, and it opened wide giving off a bright flash of light from a small object.

“What’s happening?” asked Mysterious.

“I feel strange?” cried Rep-Stallion.

“Wait! Listen!” said Dementia.

It was Titan, or rather an illusionary, holographic message of him

“My minions, if you have found this hidden treasure it means I am no longer with you, but the war against our enemies must continue. This treasure shall provide you with the power you need, but you must beware of how you use them, and you must train well to ensure your handling of them

Go now… and continue the reign of chaos.”

As Titan’s voice faded, the minions were bathed in glowing flares of light from the treasure, and began to feel very different!

Buddy Rose was working in his garden and Lightning and Krysta were helping him and Artie was there painting a picture of some of the flowers and the fence. “What do you think?” he asked when he was finished.

“It’s beautiful!” exclaimed Krysta.

“Really captures the likeness.” added Buddy Rose.

Artie thanked them for the compliments, but now he was starting to feel bored. There still no attacks, and despite being licenced astronauts, they still hadn’t been given any assignment. “When are we going to see some action?” he asked aloud, and right at that second the alarms sounded and the civilians all began to run for shelter. “Well, we did ask for it.” said Lightning.

Word had already come in the danger was coming from the town of O-Range, Artie’s hometown, and off they ran.

O-Range was almost pretty much like being in a western terrain. Not much grass or vegetation, but plenty of water-holes, streams, and orange trees all in groves too, but that was exactly where the trouble was coming from. The gang could see it as they neared the danger area. “The groves, they’re on fire!” cried Artie.

“Let’s put it out!” cried Krysta.

“No! Wait!” said Lightning. As he and the others flew in closer they couldn’t smell the smoke, and the flames didn’t even feel hot. “It’s just an illusion.” Lightning said. That’s when the illusions of the flames faded and Titan’s three minions appeared. “So you’ve finally showed yourselves again.”

Mysterious sniggered, “It’s been a while and we had some thinking to do.” He teased, but this made the others realize that he, a shadow, was standing outdoors in broad daylight and didn’t get hurt from the sunlight. Mysterious only grinned wickedly and said “You seem puzzled.”

“Oh, that’s the least of your troubles.” said Rep-Stallion “In just a few moments you’ll really be in trouble.”

The gang stood ready. “All right, so where is this new monster of yours?” asked Lightning.

Dementia giggled “Whoever said it was going to be a monster? You’re fighting us this time!” Her eyes began to glow, and so did Mysterious and Rep’s.

“What’s going on?” asked Krysta, but she and the others got their answer as the evil demon-corns began to magically transform mysterious human-shaped demons wearing armor, helmets, capes, and they also looked much stronger. The gang just stared in awe and were rather speechless. “Guys!” cried Buddy Rose “Tell me I’m just dreaming…” but the others knew this was as real as anything.

“Take a good look at us now!” hissed Mysterious “You’ll soon find your pitiful magic and skills are no match for our newly acquired powers.” Rep-Stallion grasped his new double-bladed staff and held it high. “Lord Titan shall be avenged, and our reign will carry on.” Dementia clenched her fists sight “Let’s do this!” she hissed and they began to charge forth.

Feeling overconfident, Lightning and friends transformed “STARFLEET MAGIC!”, once that was done, they immediately used their visors to try and scan the minions new powers, but unfortunately the results came as “Type Unknown: No Available Data”

“What, no data?” snapped Lightning “It must be a new kind of magic that we’ve never seen before. Everyone, be on your guard.” the others agreed. Buddy-Rose went after Dementia “LEAF SWARM” he fired his razor-leafs, but Dementia’s new armor merely deflected them right off of her leaving her without a scratch.

“Huh?!” remarked Buddy. Dementia winked at him. “I think you need to cool off a bit. DANCE OF ICE” She twirled round and around on one foot like a skilled dancer creating and blizzard-wave of snow and ice that blew right at Buddy, “Whoa! AAAHH! That’s cold!” he cried. Some of the ice crystals were large and rammed into his armor, pushing him back hard. Dementia was enjoying this.

Artie and Rep-Stallion were going at it hard-- Rep’s scythe against Artie’s staff. They parried and clashed several times with each other’s weapon and met in a staff-lock, but Rep managed to get the upper hand and shove Artie of the way and knocking his staff out of his gloves as well. “That’s it!” growled Artie “Now I’m angry! PAINT BOMB” and he launched a swarm of his explosive blobs. Not a single one missed and Rep-Stallion was buried in the explosions. Artie panted and puffed after launched that many shots, but as the smoke settled, “No! It can’t be…!” Rep-Stallion stood there without even an ash on him. He just smiled wickedly, “Oh, I am so hurt!” he mocked “Now it’s your turn. THE BITE OF LIGHTNING” whirling his staff round and around like a propeller above his head, he conjured up heavy bolts of lightning which Artie had a hard time dodging, and he got hit more times than he dodged.

Lightning and Krysta were about to have their own hard luck dealing with Mysterious. The evil creature stared them down and approached them slowly “Look… Lightning Dawn just accept the fact that you and your friends can’t beat us now… it’s easier that way.” Lightning and Krysta refused to give in and decided to take their chances. “Here I come, ready or not.” shouted Lightning as he dashed forward, but Mysterious just stood where he was, not moving an inch, and actually let Lightning ram into him headfirst, despite still being a shadow, and he didn’t stop until he had whammed Mysterious right up against a large pole.

“Yeah, way to go Lightning!” cried Krysta, but then to her and Lightning’s shock. Mysterious, unfazed by the attack, grabbed Lightning by the horn, and gave him a huge toss the other way. “UGH! AH!”

Krysta was livid and felt a burst of rage building up inside her. She angrily turned to face Mysterious, but realizing how large he was, she quickly backed off like a scared cat. Lightning, wasn’t too hurt, but he couldn’t believe how strong Mysterious and the others had become. Buddy Rose and Artie huddled near him. “Our best shots don’t even make them flinch.” said Artie “Even our magic blasts won’t work.”

“What are we going to do?” asked Buddy

“That’s easy…” Mysterious said while sniggering as he waved his arms round and around “Sit back and have a taste of my new power; THE HAMMER OF EVIL” Dark waves of intense energy formed over his head. “LOOK OUT!” cried Krysta, and she and others scattered out of the way before the blast hit them, making a huge crater in the ground where they were. Lightning was more devastated than ever. “I can’t believe they have that much magic and power! Where did they get it from?” That was what everybody wanted to know.

All three of the evil ones stood together and slowly crept towards the helpless gang, snickering and glaring at them with evil eyes. “Which should we take out first?” Dementia wondered aloud. “How about all of them at once?” sneered Rep-Stallion “Just what I was thinking” hissed Mysterious.

Just as they were about to fire, they were attacked from the side by many attacks. Buddy Rose and Artie tried to use their new powers or finisher moves, only to flop in humiliation; they barely got their weapons to glow for any longer than five seconds due to their need of more training. Lightning felt almost embarrassed “This is not happening!” he groaned.

The minions laughed hysterically at their feeble attempts. “And here we thought you’d actually surprise us.” Dementia teased.

“Here, let us show you how it’s done.” said Rep-Stallion. Lightning and the others all inched away slowly and fearfully unsure of what to do. “Lightning can’t you try the Rainbow Rod?” asked Krysta. “It won’t work any different.” cried Lightning “I don’t know what can stop these guys.”

Just as the minions were about to fire, they were attacked from the side by many attacks; they got pelted by magic ray-blasts from behind, distracting them, but not hurting them much at all.

Lightning and the others looked up and smiled at the sight of their friends. One-by-one they dropped down.


“Dyno and Myte…!”

“Never fear,”
Rhymey is here!

The others had never been so happy to see their friends, and in such timing, but now was not the time to exchange in pleasantries. The minions were still unharmed by the blasts. “So, now you’re all together? How marvelous.” chuckled Mysterious.

“Now we can get rid of you all in one easy swoop.” said Dementia.

Rep-Stallion chuckled and licked the blades of his scythe. “Let’s get them!” They all charged forward, when suddenly they stopped. Next they were groaning and moaning as they held their heads in pain and fell to their knees.

“What’s happening to them?” asked Starla.

“They seemed so strong before,
But they don’t seem tough anymore.” said Rhymey.

Their visors still didn’t have much information on the minions’ actual powers and forms, but medical-scans showed the minions were losing physical-strength badly. It was their new powers; the minions hadn’t practiced and mastered with their new strengths, just like Titan’s note had warned them. That’s why they were suddenly so weak, and before anyone knew it. The minions had changed back to their original forms.

“This can’t be!” growled Mysterious “Our powers failed us!”

“Uh, Mysterious, that’s not our only problem.” cried Rep-Stallion

The gang now stood with the odds in their favor. “My how the tables have turned.” teased Lightning. “You guys are in some trouble now.” added Krysta. With the gang’s powers still high, the minions wouldn’t stand a chance in their weak condition. Dementia whimpered nervously “Listen uh… this has been fun… but uh-- bye!” and she and others vanished quickly before anything else happened.

The gang all sighed in relief but were now all very concerned. It was now obvious that the minions were much stronger but would need time to master their new powers. “What can we do now?” asked Starla.

“Our best shots were barely able to tickle them.” added Buddy Rose. Both they and the others turned to Lightning, who was just as stumped as they were. “We need to see the Grand Ruler, Now!”

The gang took off high into the skies already, and soon were nearing the Grand Ruler’s grand palace floating twenty-thousand feet above Rainbow City, and the atmosphere was not any thinner even at this altitude, so it was still safe to breathe.

The others were awed and amazed at the beautiful sight of palace and all its many towers and other features, and Lightning and Krysta felt slightly strange seeing their old home after all this time. The giant structure rested on a floating rock which kept it afloat thanks to super-special engines built into its interior. The engines themselves were hydro and solar powered; unlimited collecting compensation from the clouds, and the sun and moonlight.

“Um, Lightning.” Starla asked nervously “Just out of curiosity, what if the engines were damaged, or destroyed?”

Lightning cast a look at her as if she had insulted him. “You’re joking! Then the palace would come crashing down on the city like an asteroid. The impact would demolish entire city.” All the others felt shocked at such a thought, but their minds were eased due to the fact it wasn’t too likely to happen.

They arrived at the front gates, but were stopped by the sentries that denied them entry without a proper appointment. “I am The Grand Ruler’s apprentice.” Lightning said to them “We know…” snapped one of the guards “But his majesty left strict rules; no entry without proper admittance.”

Suddenly, the large doors suddenly opened wide, followed by the Grand Ruler’s echoing voice from afar saying, “Let them pass. I have been expecting them.” The guard’s did as they were told and the gang dashed past them and into the main-entrance hall. They walked down the long corridor to the big doors at the end which opened wide and showed the Grand Ruler sitting majestically on his throne. He stood upright as the gang bowed to him and he bowed back. “Master, forgive us for this intrusion.” Lightning said.

“It’s all right, Lightning.” his mentor assured them all “I already said I was expecting you to come, or I would have sent for you.” he clapped his hands twice, and his servants brought out a small feast that was prepared in anticipation of the arrivals. “I thought you might be starved after such an ordeal.”

The ponies smiled and bowed thankfully to him, and then everyone sat down to eat. His majesty asked for their quick reports on the battle and after her heard it all-- “It will take time for Titan’s minions to master and control their newfound powers, and we can rest assured they will return to strike again, and your currents powers are simply not enough to beat them.”

“We were barely able to even stand up to them before they had this magic.” said Artie.

“Yeah, and we didn’t stand much of a chance against them already. Once they master those new powers, they’ll cream us for sure.” added Buddy Rose.

“Well, there must be something we can do,
Like maybe train for a week or two?” suggested Rhymey, but the others weren’t too keen that would help. “I don’t think we have the time, Rhymey.” said Starla.

“Starla is correct.” said Grand Ruler “The minions could master their new skills at any time, and your constant training already has proven its limitations.”

It was already agreed they would all somehow have to find a faster way to get stronger and increase their powers. Grand Ruler though it over a moment and then said “There just might be a way.” Capturing everyone’s interest, and when they all finished eating he told everyone to follow him.

He led everyone to a large stone doorway hidden near the top level of the highest tower in the center of the palace. The door was sealed with a strong spell that only his majesty was able to break. He leaned forward and inserted his three golden horns into the special keyholes and unlocked the door. As the stone doors slid open and everyone saw a glowing, mystical vortex.

“Wow!” exclaimed Krysta.

“It’s a space-warp portal.” added Lightning. These were celestial objects normally used to travel into space between planets where dimensional pathways were connected. The Grand Ruler had sealed this portal within his palace to prevent potential risks to others who were untrained in space-travel.

“What does this have to do with us?” asked Starla.

“I will explain.” replied Grand Ruler, and told hoy that when he first arrived to create and colonize Unicornicopia, he had forged a set of treasures he called the Star Stones. They were infused with incredible powers he had discovered and harnessed as he grew stronger in magic and battle. He felt that someday they would be very useful, but decided against to keeping them all together, for fear of drawing attention to evil ones who sought power. Not willing to allow the dark forces to get their hands on the star stones or even to guess of their existence, he scattered them across several dimensional planets.

The others were starting to realize what this meant. “You mean… we have to go out there, and find them?” asked Buddy Rose.

“Yes.” Grand Ruler answered. “After all, you are fully licensed astronauts. Normally I don’t allow freshman on such dangerous assignments without at least a year or two of proper experience, but giving Lightning’s past experience, and all that you all have been through already coupled without desperation, I am willing to make the exception. We must get those stones. They will help accelerate your natural strengths and powers and may even help you unlock abilities that you never believed possible, and will serve you well in the upcoming battles against Titan’s minions, and other foes we shall face.”

“But, what are we supposed to do in the meantime?” asked Dyno. “Yeah, what if the minions return and we don’t have the power?” added Myte.

Grand Ruler chuckled, shut his eyes and bowed his head. His golden horns glowed, and then right up through the floor magically appeared a star-shaped gem, half white and half violet. It sparkled like the stars in the sky, and a single silver star lay in the very center. Everyone gazed in awe at its stunning beauty.

“But how?” asked Dyno.

“You said you hid the stones.” added Myte

“I never said that I had hid all of them.” replied Grand Ruler. “This is one of the four magic Star Stones, and it should grant you a small boost of power to help you now. Stand and kneel before me, all of you.” Grand Ruler said.

The gang all did as they were told, and knelt before his majesty. Grand Ruler held the star stone up high and it began to glow and emit sparkling, shimming, magical waves. The waves flew in great circles above the gang and bathing them within their enchanting glow. Then, all was quiet.

The ponies opened their eyes, but they didn’t feel any different. “What happened?” asked Starla.

“I don’t feel any stronger than I did before.” said Buddy Rose.

“Perhaps the magic didn’t work?
The stone would not give us the perk?” said Rhymey.

Grand Ruler assured them that the stone did grant them its help, whether they felt it or not. “All will be made clear to you in time.” he assured them “But to grow stronger, you will need to continue your training and recover the remaining three star stones, but always remember that no matter what magic you may face, no matter what hardship you may endure, or whatever evil force you come into contact with; your courage, faith, believing, and you’re good intentions are the greatest gifts that could ever be found within and no other force and truly take it from you. They will always be there for you… as will I.” He bowed to the gang and they bowed to him again.

The quest for the Star Stones had begun!


In our next episode, Lightning, at the advice of his friends considers asking Starla out on a date. Meanwhile, Titan’s minions discover a way of creating a whole new type of monster merged of all three kinds of their forces and may prove to be a bit much for the gang to handle.

Will Lightning and Starla’s date end well, or will the minions’ triumph in their conquest?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Three To One!”)
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